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Intermediate School News


Ohio’s Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Recognition System provides an opportunity to celebrate schools and districts. Each year, the Ohio Department of Education and the PBIS Network recognize schools and districts for their quality and fidelity of PBIS implementation.

Join us in celebrating Green Intermediate School, along with every school building within Green Local Schools, for receiving state-level recognition.🎖️ Click here to learn more about our school-wide PBIS systems. 

We are truly BulldogStrong together!

PBIS Silver Award



If you want to keep track of all the important school dates, we've got you covered!😊 Click here to see what's currently on the calendar for the year. *Dates and events will be updated throughout the year and are subject to change.

To receive the most up-to-date information regarding our school, including important dates, please ensure that you connect with us via Remind


Due to the rerouting of Bulldog Boulevard and the need to create a new bus path through the stadium parking lot, the starting location of our PM parent pick-up line will be adjusted through May 2025.🚗🚙 Please see the map below for updated staging details. After buses have cleared at approximately 2:55 p.m., cars will be released to our typical parent pick-up line formation extending from Door 3. For more information about drop off and pick up procedures at GIS, click here.

Please note that Bulldog Boulevard is not open for public use at this time.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate the details related to the construction of our new facilities.🚧 



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